Hong Kong Productivity Council: Review of the role, management and operation
August 13, 2016
Business and Enterprise Development | Economic Planning | Economic Planning | Science and Technology Feature Planning
Iris Kong2016-08-13T13:44:07+00:00
Business and Enterprise Development | Economic Planning | Economic Planning | Science and Technology Feature Planning
Iris Kong2016-08-13T13:44:07+00:00
Business and Enterprise Development | Economic Planning | Economic Planning | Science and Technology Feature Planning
SQW was commissioned as lead consultant to undertake a review of the strategic direction, business model, financial viability and management structure of HKPC. The HKPC employed 600 staff, and had for over 25 years played a key role in enhancing the productivity of Hong Kong industry and encouraging technology upgrading and innovation. But its traditional role had been challenged by the movement of most manufacturing activities into mainland China and the establishment of other organisations in Hong Kong. A radical rethink of future role and structure was therefore required.