Economic Planning Projects
Economic development research, strategy and action planning is a core of SQW’s competence. A key and sought-after feature of our work is the dynamic view we take of economies and their assets, often delivered through our close links with specialised forecasting experts. Our track record in economic development research, strategy and action planning spans supra-regional, regional, sub-regional and local geographies. SQW has provided Economic Impact Assessments to assess the effects of new roads, buildings, air routes, cultural and sports events, landscapes, national parks, universities and technology.
- Asia Pacific
- Business and Enterprise Development
- China
- Croatia
- Economic Planning
- Estonia
- Europe
- Europe & Middle East
- Hong Kong
- Mongolia
- North Central Asia
We undertook a full feasibility study for an innovation centre to support the formation and growth of new innovative and technology based businesses in Hong Kong. This included market analysis, proposals for physical development and organisation and management arrangements. We later advised on the appointment of the first Chief Executive. The Centre was subsequently built and has proved extremely successful.
Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) provide a range of services including R&D to single clients in the public and private sector, and to groups of firms.
SPINNO is the major Estonian programme designed to promote knowledge transfer from the higher education and research sector. The second phase of funding began in 2005.
SQW was commissioned to make inputs to preparation of a World Bank technology development project for Croatia. Specifically, we were asked to review existing technology service centres, and develop proposals for their further development, and for related support to new and small technology based firms, including provision of incubator space for new businesses, and establishment of a seed fund.
SQW was commissioned to work with Scott Wilson Hong Kong to make inputs to a detailed submission of proposals for development of land related to a new port at Nansha in the Pearl River Delta, China. The land area concerned is around 26 sq km, to include port related activities and more general urbanisation. Our role was to advise on the nature and scale of provision for industry and service activities, both port related and others suited to this location.
SQW was contracted by the IFC to undertake a mid-term evaluation of the China Project Development Facility. The aim was to provide donors and the IFC with an independent assessment of CPDF’s activities and outcomes to date and to help donors decide on their funding options for CPDF’s next cycle. Project work involved consulting with key stakeholder groups, undertaking a survey of programme beneficiaries, financial analysis of the CPDF as well as assessing its development impact. The report detailed lessons learned and made recommendations for the future.
This project was developed to assist the Government of Mongolia to formulate an effective private sector development strategy for the eastern region of Mongolia in alignment with the objectives of the Mongolia Sustainable Development Vision 2030 and the Mongolia Regional Development Concept (MRDC). In order to achieve its objectives, SQW led the consulting team to develop various research methodologies tailored to achieve the objectives.
SQW was commissioned as lead consultant to undertake a review of the strategic direction, business model, financial viability and management structure of HKPC. The HKPC employed 600 staff, and had for over 25 years played a key role in enhancing the productivity of Hong Kong industry and encouraging technology upgrading and innovation. But its traditional role had been challenged by the movement of most manufacturing activities into mainland China and the establishment of other organisations in Hong Kong. A radical rethink of future role and structure was therefore required.