A preparatory study in evaluating Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs), and benchmarking their performance

A preparatory study in evaluating Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs), and benchmarking their performance

SQW Project

A preparatory study in evaluating Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs), and benchmarking their performance

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Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) provide a range of services including R&D to single clients in the public and private sector, and to groups of firms. To maintain competitiveness in international markets, clients require increasing competence within RTOs, which themselves are operating in a more competitive environment. SPRINT wished to help RTOs to develop more effective business plans and strategies. SQW was appointed, as the UK member of a consortium led by the Danish Technological Institute, to review existing methods for developing business plans and strategies, to develop practical guidelines for auditing strengths/weaknesses and evaluating/benchmarking performance. Subsequently, as lead consultant, we organised a two day international workshop to consider these issues. The findings have been published by DGXIII.