An economic cooperative strategy to mutually stimulate the development of the two places by combining their respective resources, strengths and capabilities.
We Reshape the City Transport
This project was developed to assist the Government of Mongolia to formulate an effective private sector development strategy for the eastern region of Mongolia in alignment with the objectives of the Mongolia Sustainable Development Vision 2030 and the Mongolia Regional Development Concept (MRDC). In order to achieve its objectives, SQW led the consulting team to develop various research methodologies tailored to achieve the objectives.
We were commissioned to undertake the feasibility and planning studies for Hong Kong Science Park. The first stage involved: a major survey of firms in Hong Kong and overseas to establish market interest; reviews of economic change in Hong Kong and the surrounding region, and of investment trends in R&D and other technology based activities; and an assessment of the effectiveness of the current technology infrastructure in Hong Kong, and the additional benefits a science park could provide.
SQW was asked by CIVIX, a planning and design firm, to assist them to advise UWI on a new science park at their Mona Campus in Jamaica. This involved thinking through the policy stance which the University should take in order to maximise likely benefits without disrupting its main academic purposes. We also considered in outline the property development and phasing approach which might be possible given local market conditions and national economic development objectives.


Chargé d’Affaires Wang Haitao attended the third meeting of the Guangxi-Brunei Economic Corridor (GBEC) Joint Committee

Unleashing the Private Sector to Drive Inclusive Growth in Eastern Mongolia

Panama Port 1 and HK port 1