Hong Kong Science Park Feasibility and Planning Studies
Hong Kong Science Park Feasibility and Planning Studies
We were commissioned to undertake the feasibility and planning studies for Hong Kong Science Park. The first stage involved: a major survey of firms in Hong Kong and overseas to establish market interest; reviews of economic change in Hong Kong and the surrounding region, and of investment trends in R&D and other technology based activities; and an assessment of the effectiveness of the current technology infrastructure in Hong Kong, and the additional benefits a science park could provide. Stage 2 involved: a more detailed specification of firm’s requirements, plus selection of a site from around 12 possibilities in various parts of Hong Kong. We then developed detailed proposals for organisation and management, linkages (particularly with the higher education institutions and other organisations in Hong Kong and mainland China, marketing and site development. We also advised on the role Government should play in setting up and operating the scheme, and on a methodology to evaluate its performance and impact.