Brunei Agrotech Park attracting foreign investors
July 10, 2016
Agrotechnology Park | Brunei | Economic Planning | Halal Brand | Science Technology Innovation Ecosystem | SMEs | SQW | SQW China | Tourism Iris Kong2016-10-08T10:52:32+00:00
Agrotechnology Park | Brunei | Economic Planning | Halal Brand | Science Technology Innovation Ecosystem | SMEs | SQW | SQW China | Tourism Iris Kong2016-10-08T10:52:32+00:00
16th August 2012, The country’s endeavour to become less dependent on the oil and gas sector by tapping into the Halal industry is well on its way to being realised following optimistic feedback from the global community. With the ongoing construction of the Brunei Agrotechnology Park (BATP) in Kg Tungku, Gadong that will see a 500-hectare site dedicated to research, processing and logistics to support the development of the Brunei Halal brand and promote tourism…